Drainage system beneath outdoor paving - GUTJAHR

Gutjahr is a German company that produces top quality drainage systems. They have programs for interior and exterior paving, as well as for the facade with ceramic tiles. We usually install them with Ardex waterproofing layers because their products together have proven to be a great solution.

WATEC® DRAIN KP+ is the only drainage system that should be laid directly on surface, without adhesive layer beneath.
• Stone and ceramic paving stay as good as new during all period of exploitation.
• There are no ugly stains, efflorescence of the fugues nor appearence of calcification on the surface.
• There is no cracking of the paving during the substrate movement.
• There is no cracking of the paving during the cycles of freezing and defrosting.
• It multiplies working life of waterproofing.
• Diffuse slit enable ventilation of the moistrure from cement substrate.
• It enables lowering of the threshoold height.
• Reinforcement mesh extends optimal strenght and adhesion.
• Can be used on surfaces with slope of only 1%.

• AQUADRAIN® EK is drainage system specially made for puting outdoor paving on drainage mortar (ARDEX A10 + ARDEX QUARKIES ME granulation 3.0 – 5.6 mm).
• Laminated mesh completely separates the layers due to creation of a quality long-term drainage.
• This system has the fastest drainage of the water coming to it.
• System absorbs sounds and reduce noice of the footsteps up to +30dB.
• There are no ugly stains, efflorescence of the fugues nor appearence of calcification on the surface.
• There is no cracking of the paving during the cycles of freezing and defrosting.
• It can be used for large outdoor areas.

AQUADRAIN® SD is prefabricated angle element for drainage of the stairs outside.
• It has adjustable joint and therefore it can be installed easy and fast.
• It can be combined with other AQUADRAIN or WATECDRAIN line drains for teraces.
• Drainage provide reliable protection from frost damage and efflorescence caused by accumulated water.
• There are no ugly stains nor appearence of calcification on the surface.
• It accelerates drying of the natural stone.
• Photos from our construction sites where we successfully installed GUTJAHR products.
• Explample what could happend with stone paving if you do not have adequate drainage on a layer beneath.
In the download zone you can find a more detailed description of the products WATEC® DRAIN KP+, AQUADRAIN® EK and AQUADRAIN® SD. You can also find all material of Gutjahr outdoor drainage program in one pdf file.

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